Monday, November 26, 2007

Rethinking Divorce Text Questions

What is Whitehead claiming about divorce? That is, what is her overall judgment? And what criteria - or standards of judgment - does Whitehead use to evaluate divorce?
Whitehead is claiming that divorce not only destroys the commitment between a man and a woman, but also the commitment to raise the next generation to succeed. The standard that she uses is a child-centered one - she views the child as the most important element of society, and evaluates if the current attitude toward divorce benefits children more that it harms them.
How might you participate in this discussion about divorce? Consider expanding on a point, clarifying a point, redirection the discussion, and so on.
One of the major issues in the essay that I would like to expand on is the rationale that "a child's happiness depend[s] on the the happiness of the individual parent, especially the mother, rather than on the marriage itself." Some research points might help the author refute this point. I also think that the essay would benefit from commenting on how we can fix this problem - encourage people to be more careful before they get married, and to seek to motivate both parties to exert every effort to make the marriage work.

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Rebecca said...
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